Administrative Procedures
Administrative Procedures (Superintendent's Responsibility)
Administrative Procedures are a set of requirements for staff, students and parents. The Superintendent annually solicits feedback on Administrative Procedures from January 31 - March 31 in a given year. Stakeholders (Parents, Staff and Community Members) are encouraged to provide input.
Administrative Procedures are a set of requirements for staff, students and parents. The Superintendent annually solicits feedback on Administrative Procedures from January 31 - March 31 in a given year. Stakeholders (Parents, Staff and Community Members) are encouraged to provide input.
100 - General Administration
- AP 100- Division and School Planning and Reporting
- AP 101 - Long Range Planning & Emergency Planning Certificated Staff
- AP 102 - School Year Calendar Development Guidelines
- AP 110 - School Councils
- AP 110 - Appendix A -School Councils - Standard By-Laws
- AP 110 - Appendix B - School Councils - ASCA Code of Ethics
- AP 120 - Policy and Procedures Dissemination
- AP 121 - Review of Administrative Procedures
- AP 126 - Professional Development Days
- AP 127 - Cold and Inclement Weather
- AP 128 - Parent, Visitor, Contractor, and Post Secondary Student Accident Reporting
- AP129 - Occupational Health & Safety
- AP129 - Appendix A - Occupational Health & Safety Program Components
- AP 130 - Safe and Healthy School Environment
- AP 131 - Safety Guidelines for Physical Activity
- AP 132 - Fire Safety
- AP 133 - Bomb Threats
- AP 134 - Emergency School Closures
- AP 135- VTRA Response Plans
- AP 136 - Five Emergency Reponse Protocols including Lockdown
- AP 137 - Administration of Nalaxone or Narcan Nasal Spray
- AP 140 - Responsible Network Use
- AP 141 - Information Security
- AP 141 - Information Security - Appendix A - GoogleAppsForEducation
- AP 141 - Information Security - Appendix B - Risk Assessment
- AP 141 - Information Security - Appendix C - Student Information System (SIS)Security
- AP 142 - Network Security
- AP 143 - Technology Standards
- AP 144 - Electronic Mail
- AP 145 - Use of Personal Owned Devices (PODS)
- AP 146 - Responsible Use of Social Media
- AP 147 - Commercial Electronic Messages (Anti-Spam)
- AP 148 - Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media Sites
- AP 150 - Channels of Communication
- AP 150 - Appendix A - Lines of Responsibility Flowchart
- AP 152 - Communication Protocol
- AP 154 - Appeals to the Superintendent
- AP 169 - Video Surveillance of Facilities and Property
- AP 170 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
- AP 171 - Records Management
- AP 171 - Appendix A - Records Management - Retention Schedule
- AP 180 - Use of Copyrighted Materials
- AP 190 - Anti-Harassment
- AP 199 - Whistle Blower
200 - Instructional Programs and Materials
- AP 201 - Student Program Placement
- AP 202 - Instructional Hours
- AP 203 - High School Re-Design - A District Framework for Students Success
- AP 204 - Dual Credit and Enhanced Certification
- AP 205 - Controversial Issues
- AP 206 - Human Sexuality Religion Alberta Human Rights Act- Bill 44
- AP 207 - Religious Studies
- AP 208 - Student Fitness Centre
- AP 209 - Montessori, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten Programs
- AP 210 - Early Childhood Services
- AP 211 - English Language Learning
- AP 212- French Language Immersion Program
- AP 213 - French as a Second Language Program-FSL
- AP 214 - Inclusive Education
- AP 215 - Knowledge and Employability Program
- AP 216 - Work Experience
- AP 217 - Registered Apprenticeship Program
- AP 219 - Outreach Programs
- AP 220 - Locally Developed and Acquired Courses
- AP 221 - Locally Approved Resources
- AP 230 - Home Education
- AP 240 - Distance Education
- AP 250 - Guidance and Counseling Program
- AP 251 - High School Chaplain
- AP 260 - Field Trips and Excursions
- AP 270 - School Learning Commons
- AP 271 - Challenged Resources
- AP 290 - Course Challenge
- AP 291 - Performance Bond
300 - Students
- AP 300 - Student Entrance Age
- AP 301 - Admission of Non-Resident Students
- AP 302 - Attendance of Non-Alberta Students
- AP 303 - Student Attendance
- AP 305 - School Attendance Areas
- AP 306 - School Boundary Exemptions
- AP 310 - Student Accident Reporting
- AP 311 - Assisting a Student in Case of Accident or Illness
- AP 312 - Administering Medical Treatment to Students
- AP 313 - Consent to Medical Treatment
- AP 314 - Allergies
- AP 315 - Transporting Students who are ill or injured
- AP 316 - Nutrition
- AP 317 - Comprehensive School Health
- AP 318 - Use of Service Dogs by Students
- AP 320 - Student Records
- AP 321 - Youth Criminal Justice Act Records
- AP 322 - Right of Access
- AP 323 - Student Custody Disputes
- AP 324 - Beyond 3rd Year High School
- AP 330 - Student Code of Conduct
- AP 331 - School Bus Rider Conduct
- AP 333 - Possession of Weapons or Potentially Dangerous Items
- AP 334 - Interrogation and Searches of Students
- AP335 - Suspension and Expulsion of Students
- AP 336 - Anti-Bullying
- AP 337 - Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments
- AP 339 - Suicide Risk Assessment Protocol
- AP 340 - Supervision of Students
- AP 345 - Behavior Support Planning Restraint and Seclusion
- AP 350 - Assessing and Evaluating Student Achievement
- AP 351 - Promotion and Retention of Students
- AP 352 - Graduation and Mass Ceremonies
- AP 360 - Extra Curricular Activities
- AP 370 - Student Government
400 - Personnel and Employee Relations
- AP 400 - Recruitment & Selection of Professional Staff
- AP 401 - Staffing Procedure Teacher and Support Staff
- AP 402 - Support Staff Overtime & Banked Time
- AP 403 - Police Information & Child Welfare Checks
- AP 404 - Medical Examinations
- AP 405 - Working Alone
- AP 406 - Staff Participation in Community Political Activities
- AP 407 - Teacher Growth Supervision and Evaluation
- AP 408 - Duties and Responsibilities of Substitute Teachers
- AP 409 - Employment of Close Relatives
- AP 410 - Personnel Records
- AP 412 - Personal Leaves on Professional Development or Faith Days
- AP 413 - Leave & Absence Management
- AP 414 - Employee Impairment Substance Use and Gambling
- AP 421 - Professional Development for Certificated Staff
- AP 422 - Professional Development for Support Staff (District Sponsored)
- AP 424 - Workplace Accommodation
- AP 425 - Vacation Leave and Banks
- AP 430 - Professional Staff Reduction
- AP 440 - Deferred Salary Leave Plan
- AP 443 - Long Service Awards
- AP 444 - Staff Dress Code
- AP 445 - Personal Protective Equipment
- AP 460 - Secretary-Treasurer
- AP 461 - Assistant Superintendents
- AP 462 - Supervisor of Religious Education
- AP 463 - Principals
- AP 465 - Assistant Principals
- AP 467 - Instructional Replacement Personnel
- AP 477 - Support Staff Evaluation
- AP 478 - Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP)
- AP 479 - Vehicle Allowances Corporate Vehicles
- AP 480 - Cell Phone Allowance
500 - Business Procedures
- AP 501 - Budget Implementation
- AP 503 - General School Resource Fees
- AP 504 - Eligible Educator Tax Credit Guidelines
- AP 507 - Valuables in Schools
- AP 508 - PurchasingCards
- AP 509 - Authorized Spending Limits & Purchasing
- AP 510 - District Accounting Procedures
- AP 511 - School Generated Funds
- AP 512 - Student Fund-Raising Activities
- AP 513 - Petty Cash
- AP 514 - School Carryovers
- AP 515 - Cash in School Buildings
- AP 516 - Purchasing
- AP 517 - Signing Authorities
- AP 518 - Professional Services
- AP 519 - Charitable Donations
- AP 520 - Education Foundation
- AP 521 - Naming Rights
- AP 525 - Claims for Payment of Travel Meals, Hospitality and Expenses.
- AP 530 - Disposal of Property
- AP 531 - Employee Use of District Owned Facilities & Equipment
- AP 540 - Fees for Rental of Facilities
- AP 541 - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance
- AP 542 - Custodial & Maintenance
- AP 543 - School Keys
- AP 545 - Green Cleaning Guidelines
- AP 550 - Handling of Hazardous Materials
- AP 555 - Regulated Activities on District Property and at District Events
- AP 560 - Insurance Management
600 - Transportation Procedures