Catholic Resources

It is our prayer that you and your family continue to nourish your spiritual life with prayer, spiritual communion and continued growth on your spiritual journey. We pray and hope that the following resources will assist you in this. 
Free Online Subscriptions
Our local parish in Grande Prairie, St. Joseph Catholic Church, is offering parents in our district the opportunity to use their free subscription to! Catholic-based, entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring talks and popular eBooks are all available on this amazing site.

The following are the adapted versions of the resource, Classroom Reconciliation Ceremonies, that was provided to us years ago by Fr. Santos. There are copies to be used during Lent and during Advent. There are PowerPoint presentations to use, with videos included. The teacher plans to have everything the leader is to say at all the different times during the PowerPoint (states what slide to be on). 

There are three copies of the celebration are broken into grade levels. They are very similar, the differences are as follows:

  • K to 2: celebration does not include going to visit the priests for confession, as they have yet to receive the sacrament.
  • 3-5: Videos are more directed to this age group (depending on the grade 5 class, teachers may want to show the 6-8 presentations)
  • 6-8: Videos are directed to this age group.
Preparing for Reconciliation Ceremony at School:
K - Gr. 2   Gr. 3 - Gr. 5 Gr. 6 - Gr. 8

Teacher Plan


Teacher Plan


Teacher Plan 


Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ
The Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is the primary resource used in classrooms within our district. It is a fantastic Catholic-based resource that is engaging and designed to meet the learning needs of our students. The digital component is available for teachers and students to navigate the program and continue to explore and grow in their faith.

Teacher Login


Username: teacher_gpcsd

Password: Teacher99


Student Login


Username: gpcsd99

Password: Student99


Login Site Link


Where to click


Religious Practices

Planning a School Mass Resources 

Planning a School Mass Checklist

  • This checklist is also a timeline, it has you starting to plan 4  weeks prior to the day of your Mass. However, sometimes this is not realistic, especially in terms of an opening mass. If that is the case please start using the checklist as soon as possible. 

Mass Guide Template

  • A one page template to use for planning your mass, intended to be shared with the priest presiding. 

Other Resources


Teaching About the Mass

The Catholic Mass an overview

  • This powerpoint goes over the entire Mass and all its parts, in the correct order.